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7287 Production Cards!


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Thought these might be of interest to the geekiness in many of us...  Found these 7287 Production Cards in a few of the sealed bag 7287s I picked up in the dandy $49 Hockeymonkey sale.  They are in French, of course, and reveal the level of detail and effort going into these wonderful pieces of art!

Can anyone translate or explain more??




Edited by LondonGardens
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Wish I knew what all those numbers mean.  Can’t figure out much except that it’s a team order for road (white) Leafs jerseys.

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I'm guessing they identify the craftsperson who completed that task.  If so, shows how much care is given to maintaining quality.  Id love to know what each of the French phrases mean.  Probably stages of completion (like each stage of sleeve build)?  Would be a bit of insight on how they are built.  I also wonder if some of the phrases only apply to certain teams specialized design? 

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Google translate down again?  I kid because I love.

That said, this doesn't seem to be overly straight forward, but then again, I don't work in haute couture.

'Taille' in french is normally used for the size of a garment or the length of someone's body and can also mean how something is cut, and tailleur is taylor, so 'taillage' is just referring to the overall cut and 'classage' is class.

couture = cut

posé = laid (eg – how it’s placed)

gance = **haven’t a clue, never heard it before**

coude = elbow

prép. = short for préparation = preparation

corps = body

épaule = shoulder

man = short for manche = sleeve

bande = band

poig = short for poignet = wrist/cuff

ferm éclair = short for fermature éclair = zipper

fermé = closure

coté = side

surpiqure = stitching

dessus = on top

dessous = underneath

couv. = might be short for couverture = cover

collet = collar

soufflet = gusset

ruban = ribbon

oeillet = eyelet

bout = might be short for bouton = button

patinoire = skating rink

bord = edge

gilet = vest, or in this case referring to the body of the garment

plaquette = placquet

patte = foot, but with placquet likely referring to sleeve end opening

broderie = embroidery


‘braid’ and ‘piping’ are what the French call ‘des anglicismes’ which basically means they’re english ‘cause there’s no french word for ‘em :D


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3 minutes ago, slimcutta said:

Atta boy.

Man, I can just picture you licking your lips as you google translated that as fast as your sarcastic little fingers could type :D

Fairly accurate. I have pretty big fingers. Otherwise, you nailed it. 

Which is also ce qu’elle a dit.

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7 minutes ago, jsh139 said:

Slim droppin the French knowledge on us. 


Now we can all tell our wives/girlfriends that jersey collecting is educational. 

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12 hours ago, mfitz804 said:

Now we can all tell our wives/girlfriends that jersey collecting is educational. 

Jersification at its finest!

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