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The role of replicas in your collection

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I was thinking about it just now and out of my small collection 11-13 jerseys, I own only 1 replica. I usually try to avoid them of course since usually for 30-50% more $ you can get the real thing....however...I also realize I am way too protective of my authentics and rarely wear them anywhere due to the timeless, universal fear of "sauce".

So...maybe replicas DO have a place even for the serious collector?


-You can wear them and worry less about them getting ruined.

-Cost less.

-Are usually more comfortable.

-Way easier to find the design you are looking for and get it customized, whereas with authentics you might spend months or even years hunting the right design in the right size.


-They are...well...replicas? I have an over-riding nagging thought that keeps telling me "don't waste your money on those! For every 2 replicas you could have an authentic!"

-They usually do not hold value in a collection.

-In some cases are nowhere near accurate to the real thing.


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They're all I can afford, so they're what I buy.

-Are usually more comfortable.

-Way easier to find the design you are looking for and get it customized, whereas with authentics you might spend months or even years hunting the right design in the right size.

And also these two, combined. I'm a pretty large dude, and it's way easier for me to find a replica in XXL (or even 3x) than to find a 2.0 in a 58 or a 60/58+.

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I go for authentics when they are available but make do with a replica if that's the best I can get hold of - I've eventually upgraded them to authentic in most cases.

At the moment the only replica's in my collection are the first jersey I ever received, a white Lady Liberty and a bunch of international jerseys, which never or rarely seem to be available in authentic. And looking at the price of this year's Team Canada Olympic authentics I may just keep the replica's I have.

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I buy Authentics when they are readily available or unless its something I don't really care too much about.


I recently got a Jagr 2012 Winter Classic replica...I was at the game and wanted a jersey as a keepsake, but didn't want to spend what an Authentic would cost. Sportsk had them on sale, my parents wanted to buy me a Christmas gift, I connected Point A and Point B and now I have a replica.

I also recently picked up a nice 2002 All Star World replica in the Trading Post for a great price. For what I paid, a replica is all I needed.

Back at the start of the season, I bought a $40 replica Devils jersey on eBay to have customized as Jagr. I thought it would be cool to have since he is a legend, but didn't want to buy an Authentic because I was pretty sure he would be one year and out and/or traded at the trade deadline if the team was tanking completely. That one, I have kind of changed my stance on, and if I find a decently priced 1.0 (or 2.0, but that ain't happening) home jersey, I may just replace the replica. As ValleyParade said above, the 58+ or 60 that I would be looking for are often difficult to find. I may consider a MeiGray Game Issued and do a strip job, but that would probably not be cost effective.

So replicas definitely do have a place in my collection. That being said, I definitely wear all of my jerseys, I am not simply a collector. If I were buying them as a collector and was worried about resale value, collectibility, etc., I probably wouldn't buy any replicas.

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When I first started buying jerseys in the 80's I was buying replicas, only becuase I didn't know there was such a thing as an authentic that was different. The only reason I'll buy a replica now is if it's a jersey style I want that is impossible to find as an authentic or if the price of the authentic would be out of my price range. I will NOT buy the current Reebok Premiere jerseys though. I bought one and it's a piece of crap. I've bought a few replica international jerseys because the authentics just aren't available.

The only other replicas I'll buy are the Lutch and Kait made jerseys for the Russian/KHL teams. Those two companies replicas are 100% higher quality than the reebok premier crap. The Lutch and Kait replicas I own are the same material as the on ice jerseys they just have everything sublimated instead of sewn on and they don't have the fight straps which the Russian/KHL league just started using in the last few years.

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I will NOT buy the current Reebok Premiere jerseys though. I bought one and it's a piece of crap.


My Kovalchuk Premier got three runs in it the first time I wore it, and that was without me even knowing it, I didn't brush up against something, snag it, etc. I still have no idea how that happened.

Then he went back to Russia and I didn't care anymore, nor did the guy who bought it for $45 on eBay.

The Jagr WC referenced above somehow feels as if it is different material, though. That would be the exception to my rule.

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My collection is probably about half/half. Some of the replicas, though, I got free or for as little as $2 plus shipping. I'm much happier wearing a replica to a game (hostile environment - Flames fan in Edmonton) or to an outdoor rink.

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there are many, many points to be made here, but here's MY take on it:

replicas were nice and all when i was a kid, something that i could easily and affordably purchase. BUT, ever since ive moved onto authentics and game worn, i have never looked back since. the shear quality and "heaviness" of a an authentic and game worn is thousands maybe even hundreds of millions of miles apart, when compared to a replica. if its, for example, an event jersey, say the Olympics, ill try my very best to sought out and search for that jersey. when finding an authentic or if im lucky, a game worn jersey, it'll be that much sweeter.

jerseys are meant to be worn the last time i checked. if not, you've got a beautiful looking jersey thats just sitting on your closet space, collecting dust. you should do you jersey justice and rock it, when appropriate! :P

ive worn ALL of my jerseys, game worn included. i find the game worn to be MORE comfortable and relaxed fit, then say a replica. 'specially with the RBK premiers, they are very constricting in the waistline area, wheres a gamer or authentic is very loose, and you can even throw in a hoodie underneath it and its still nice to walk around in.

in terms of not getting them, you just gotta be sensible about it, knowwhatimsayin'? you wouldnt wanna be rockin', say a BURE gamer while going to an Italian restaurant, or Chinese restaurant, or any place that you know where major spillage is gonna happen. from time to time, when i go to Canucks games, i rock a Canucks or Moose gamer, and knock on wood, ive had no incidences. Usually, Canucks fans [besides both Finals riots] have been generally well behaved, 'specially if youre wearing a home jersey.

you should should collect what youre happy with and not what someone else is collecting; ive seen this in the past and in other jersey forums as well, people competing with one another, and after awhile, you kinda burn yourself out, trying to one up the other.

but yeah for ME, and this is my opinion:

gamers > authentics > replica

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i find the game worn to be MORE comfortable and relaxed fit, then say a replica. 'specially with the RBK premiers, they are very constricting in the waistline area, wheres a gamer or authentic is very loose, and you can even throw in a hoodie underneath it and its still nice to walk around in.

Time to lay off all those footcakes, homie. :lol:

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I couldn't agree with BB anymore. When I was in high school (13 years ago) I wore replica jerseys almost everyday. That's also when replicas were made to last. Not like today's RBk ones. At around $200 for a replica lettered jersey you are not far off the price of a lower named game worn jersey. I have since sold off all my replicas that were not autographed and just solely collect game worns. Gamers and authnetics wear so much better. I like that heavy feel. And as well I wear all of my game worn jerseys. Now if I had a $200,000 Gretzky I might not, but I do have many that were $650-$1200 and I still wear those. I just stay away from Nachos !

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Wearing the aforementioned Jagr WC, and it may be a Premier cut, but the material is airknit. No wonder I like it.

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I collect replicas and authentics. I prefer authentics but for rare jerseys or if I find a good deal I will settle for replicas. Maybe tailor my collection to authentic Rangers and replica all star jerseys. I like wearing my authentics but scared of getting them messed up. So replicas are preferred when going out.

Does anyone wear any of jerseys (replica/authentic) while actually playing hockey?

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They're all I can afford, so they're what I buy.

And also these two, combined. I'm a pretty large dude, and it's way easier for me to find a replica in XXL (or even 3x) than to find a 2.0 in a 58 or a 60/58+.

100% Agree.

I too am a big guy and it really sucks trying to find a jersrey only to find one I want but knowing I probably can't "fit" in it.


Replicas seem looser, (probably because no spandex in them), so for me I can wear them doing the "dirty" things like doing errands that involve working outside or eating that food dripping with grease.

It also sucks because it seems for replica vintage ccm ones I can only ever find XXL/54... and those I sadly cannot fit in, at least not without looking like this: http://taoofstieb.tumblr.com/post/68188742974/kevinkaduk-rob-ford-in-a-patrick-kane-jersey I really want a Whalers jersey in XXXL but...thus far no luck.

That being said I try and search for 58 or 58+/60s since they fit me really well and I LOVE how they feel but so afraid of something happening to them depending on where I am. I'm always concious about where I sit or lean against and if I am eating etc.

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I sold all my replicas (and almost all of my authentic jerseys), not interested in those jerseys. I only have two authentic jerseys (Blackhawks Pro Player jersey and Blackhawks CCM 6100 team signed jersey), the rest of the jerseys are GW and GI jerseys.

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I hate Premier jerseys. I will never buy one at full price. The only thing I like about them is their fit. Even if you're not a collector, if you're going to drop 250 after tax and shipping on a customized Premier jersey, you might as well save up and buy an absurdly priced Edge 2.0 authentic, or if you wear a 56/58 a game worn. A customized authentic will likely be between 400-500 after tax and shipping, but it should last much longer. I have Premier jerseys that I rarely machine wash, and only do so inside out, and in cold water....I air dry them. Yet they attract pulls, and I eve have one where the vinyl shoulder patch is smudging. I'd rather pay 500 for a jersey that will last until I die, than pay 250 for one that will last a year or two. It is planned obsolescence at its finest.

CCM/Koho replicas are great. They obviously aren't as nice as the ultrafil authentic versions of the jerseys, but they are made in a way that if taken proper care of, they should last forever. For rarer third jerseys, or for player jerseys, if you manage to find a replica that is in good condition for significantly less than you'd pay for an authentic, I'd say grab it. In certain cases, I actually like the replicas better than the authentic versions. I'm considering selling my Koho 6100 authentic jerseys, because they are completely unwearable without looking like a dork. I'd rather have a lower quality replica that fits me properly, than a jersey with better craftsmanship that makes me look like a parachute man.

I buy replicas of teams or players that I don't care about and just enjoy from a collecting perspective. Rule of thumb, I only pay between 20-40 for replicas. I don't buy them new. Every once and a while you can grab a steal on a Reebok Premier jersey on eBay or second hand as it's a complete buyers market. At that price, Reebok Premier jerseys are excusable quality wise. It's absolutely insulting to think that Reebok is asking people to pay 150 for a blank jersey with poor craftsmanship, that is made in Indonesia, that will begin significantly degrading in quality after a few wears.

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I do not and will not own one

I am starting to get my two Boys authentic as well since the replica crap does not stand up to even wearing them public skating

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So I think the overwhelming consensus is that Premiers give replicas a bad name and that older CCM 550s are in fact quite respectable if the price is right?

I am of the same opinion.

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So I think the overwhelming consensus is that Premiers give replicas a bad name and that older CCM 550s are in fact quite respectable if the price is right?

I am of the same opinion.

If someone so much as sneezes on a Premier replica... they will snag.

I've played hockey many times in old CCM replicas that are STILL in much better shape than the few short lived premier jerseys that I had.

As much as it was disturbing to see this...


I would love to see how demolished they would be after an actual NHL game.

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The main thing about Premiers, is that it's not jersey collecting elitism. Even for a casual fan who just wants one jersey to wear while watching their team at home, at a bar, or at a game, it's just a bad use of money.

At the end of the day, you'll spend less money by avoiding a Premier jersey. Even know Edge 2.0's are absurdly expensive, they are about the price of two Premier jerseys. Odds are, you'll end up wanting to replace a Premier within a few years because it'll be snagged to death, and the shoulder patches will be worn out. So it's cheaper in the long run just to get the better quality product that will last.

It doesn't help that for most teams you can pick up an older CCM ultrafil for cheaper than a new Premier. Give it a week or two, and assuming the ultrafil has wear-they'll be in the same condition....

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I only have replicas for two reasons: One, cost difference, and two, "used" cost vs new.

I can no where near afford an authentic, i can barely afford a replica retail. That said, with (as previously mentioned) premiers losing value ASAP, ive managed to nab a couple for decent prices. I'm almost tempted to make a Replica deals and steals thread, because no one wants the actual one cluttered with 30 buck replicas, even though Id like to nab them.

Before you say i should just save up and buy authentics, keep in mind im in highschool, and unemployed. Yeah.

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