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Flipping etiquette


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OK, so I buy a jersey cheaply, talk about it on the board here, and then decide I don't want to keep it. I know its my jersey and I can do whatever I want, but what's the appropriate board etiquette? Do I...

1) Offer it via PM to people who said they would have been interested, and if so, at what price? Fair market value with a "board discount"?

2) Throw it up in the Marketplace and ask whatever price I want, even though some people will know I am trying to work a profit?

3) Forget the board and just eBay it?

Just curious how these things are viewed/handled on this board, as its the first time I find myself in this situation.

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According to most members here #2 is a NO NO. You cannot charge a dime more than what you have paid for it and if you have to take a loss that's even better.

Although the same people are the ones that bought Purple Kings jerseys from RC sale and are all flipping them for double on ebay. :)

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i think if you make it known you got a jersey for cheap, people are going to expect you to cut them a deal. we all get that there is a profit to be made and all, but its human nature to want that hook up because you got it for a steal.

I think you can list it for whatever you want to list it for. If someone wants it badly enough, they will pay whatever asking price you take on it. Otherwise most will ignore it and try to get a steal like you did or wait for you to lower your asking price.

And if all else fails, Ebay it up, but we all know how JFTW has done things and it can make people ignore bidding on your item.

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If you can make money, by all means go for it.

I rarely sell anything I buy - but if I did it would sell for fair market price, not what I paid for it.

I know I have a LOT of stuff that I overpaid for, I'm not gonna get that money back so you gotta make it up where you can.

Now, if you bought it from someone and sold it back to the same person trying to make a buck.... that's dirty.

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According to most members here #2 is a NO NO. You cannot charge a dime more than what you have paid for it and if you have to take a loss that's even better.

Although the same people are the ones that bought Purple Kings jerseys from RC sale and are all flipping them for double on ebay. :)

This is unfortunately the case (and hilariously hypocritical by some).

At the end of the day, its your jersey. Do what you want with it, sell it for whatever you think is fair (both in terms of market or if you feel like being a "nice guy"). By the big point is to ignore the entitled childish idiots who think you owe them a deal.

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Treat others as you wish they treat you.

If i was selling it on here to genuine collectors, i'd make a fair price and if people want a bid war, let them.

If you flip it on ebay or another jersey site, Its upto you, but karma swings both ways, is my two pennys.

Also i'd like to add that the value of the jersey is what someone is willing to pay for it, as all gamers are unique, and the market is the buyer and seller.

Edited by DJ Rhea
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OK, so I buy a jersey cheaply, talk about it on the board here, and then decide I don't want to keep it. I know its my jersey and I can do whatever I want, but what's the appropriate board etiquette? Do I...

1) Offer it via PM to people who said they would have been interested, and if so, at what price? Fair market value with a "board discount"?

2) Throw it up in the Marketplace and ask whatever price I want, even though some people will know I am trying to work a profit?

3) Forget the board and just eBay it?

Just curious how these things are viewed/handled on this board, as its the first time I find myself in this situation.

This whole buying/selling thing is a bit ridculous here.

My suggestion:

1) Take the PM route first as a common courtesy. Sell it at the price YOU want. If you are feeling nice and want to hook someone up with the steal you were able to obtain that is your perogative. If no takers then make it publicly available.

2) Yes. See #1 boldface

3) Up to you. I have done this as well with some things, and members here have found my listings and asked me about a deal here. You are an example of this.

This is how I would handle it. I think it is fair. It is your jersey and should you want to hook someone up with the deal you got (with a small finder's fee for you) that is up to you, and how well you know the person wanting to buy.

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Honestly, if it's a one time thing, buying from a board member and "relisting" it, I don't see it as a problem. Especially since you didn't buy it with the intention of profiting. Sell it for what the market demands it at.

I've never bought or sold on this board, so I do not know what the expected etiquette is. But, nobody is entitled to be able to sell on this board, so although I don't entirely agree with it, if whoever is in charge wants to discourage flipping within the board because they think avoiding it is for the better, that's their right to make that rule.

Ultimately, if I sold a jersey, and found out someone else sold it for a higher price later, the only reason I would be upset is if they outwardly lied to me to try and mislead me about the value. I don't mean low ball me, I mean "Why are you selling this for X, it's only worth 40 bucks because of so and so". Otherwise, I'd just be happy to have gotten rid of the jersey for the price I was asking.

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Honestly, if it's a one time thing, buying from a board member and "relisting" it, I don't see it as a problem. Especially since you didn't buy it with the intention of profiting. Sell it for what the market demands it at.

I've never bought or sold on this board, so I do not know what the expected etiquette is. But, nobody is entitled to be able to sell on this board, so although I don't entirely agree with it, if whoever is in charge wants to discourage flipping within the board because they think avoiding it is for the better, that's their right to make that rule.

Ultimately, if I sold a jersey, and found out someone else sold it for a higher price later, the only reason I would be upset is if they outwardly lied to me to try and mislead me about the value. I don't mean low ball me, I mean "Why are you selling this for X, it's only worth 40 bucks because of so and so". Otherwise, I'd just be happy to have gotten rid of the jersey for the price I was asking.

I actually didn't buy it from a board member, it was an eBay purchase.

Neither of the two guys who said they would have bought it if I didn't were able to take it off my hands at this time. I think I am going to keep it for a while.

Thanks for the advice guys.

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