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Obscure hockey documentaries


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So Mr. cuore_azzurro posted this in ebay 2.0 not too long ago -

I noticed that yesterday as I was watching a documentary I have on VHS called The Boys On the Bus about the '86 and '87 Oilers, it seems that they just started off that way as opposed to becoming wrinkled with time. I saw a couple of those jerseys at the HHOF a few weeks ago and they look like the numbers were just made of a stiffer material. And THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for the heads up re: the green Whalers jersey, if the price stays low it is coming home avec moi.

Which prompted me to check out some teasers on youtube -

and ultimate download the documentary, found here -


The movie has Finnish sub-titles, but the quality is really good, and the documentary itself is freakin amazing!!!

There's also this one here that I'm currently dowloading, but there are fewer seeds, and I'm only at 50% so far so can't comment on quality -

*UPDATE* Got it 100%, and this one's just as good, and clear of subs, so d/l this one if you want it -


Now I NEED to get the full sequel 'The Boys are Back' following the Gretz trade, and the 88-89 Oilers -

which I found on ebay here - http://www.ebay.com/...=item23034bba33

This prompted me to do a search and find other older/obscure hockey docs. While there are plenty of 'best goals, greatest hits, and blooper'esq vids out there, there are also some really cool docs that stick out -

Hockey Nomad is one of them -Based on Dave Bidini's best selling book Tropic of Hockey. Dave's quest takes him far from the corporate branded arenas and millionaire players of professional hockey to lesser-known rinks in Dubai, Transylvania, and Mongolia. In each locale, he explores the origin of the local game and meets the eccentric and passionate people who play it.

This first clip (in Russia, shows some OVY) speaks for itself -

I found "The Chiefs", which may not be so good, but hey, some of you might like it (can be found in full on torrent sites) -

Then I come across this posting from 2004, and of course the link is no longer good -

CCCP Hockey - Tv Documentary - watch it on the internet

Earlier this Summer, Swedish Television (SR) broadcasted an interesting documentary on one of the best hockey lines in history: The KLM Line!

Fetisov - Kasatonov - Krutov - Larionov - Makarov.

The documentary is made by Bengt Löfgren (director) and Malcom Dixelius (historian expert) and took two years two made. It follows the tracks of the KLM line, both in USA and Russia, interviews the players about life now and then and look back at the rise and fall of Soviet Union from the perspective of the players.

"It is a story of self-sacrifice and ironhard demands, about the unhuman price that many Soviet athletic heros paid to make progress, and its a story about the revolt that took place in 1989 orchestred by Larionov and Fetisov...CCCP Hockey is contemporary history about five hockey players who became their nation's heroes, about how their nation disappeared, and how they were forced to establish a new life and identity in a changed world".

It's a pity that the documentary is in Swedish. It is arguably one of the best and most interesting hockey documentaries ever made. But at least you will be able to watch the pictures where you will find many "surprising and publicly new sequences from the archives of the Big Red Machine of the 1970s and 80s".

So grab a beer or a cup of coffee. The documentary last 51 minute:

but I was able to find it on youtube (unfortunately in russian with swedish subs, but still pretty cool) -

How freakin good was that KLM line?!? Crazy!!! -

Anyways, just a few I came across, so I figured I'd start this thread -

Which hockey docs do you know of that we should all check out? (please, no rock'em sock'em crap) ...aaaand GO!!!

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Sorry mods; I just recognized now that this doesnt' relate directly to hockey jersey discussions, and should probably have been posted under 'Hockey Talk'?

Anyways, I normally only hang out in the Jersey portion of the boards and didn't really think to post it elsewhere, so free free to move it...my bad.

...or you can leave it here for a week so that more people will see it? Hmmmm.

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The best thing about The Boys On the Bus is that Kevin Lowe does the narration, usually it's just some random Joe Blo from Central Tech. :lol: Pretty awesome. A few years ago I saw a documentary/highlight video about the 1967 Stanley Cup playoffs on TV on I think either Leafs TV or TSN, I haven't done any research whatsoever but I'd like to find it and watch it through again. Two I know of and have watched in their entirety, though, are the VHS Forever Rivals about the rivalry between the Leafs and Habs and the HHOF's ridiculously long but equally interesting Legends of Hockey box set. Another good one to check out is a VHS tape the NHL put out in 1997 called Gretzky- The Great One and the Next Ones, which basically follows the course of Wayne's career while also showcasing some of the young stars of the day, Sundin, Palffy, Leclair, Modano, Kariya, Selanne, to name a few. There have been a lot of Gretzky videos obviously but I particularly liked that one.

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All i can say Is thank you SLIM WOW the boys on the bus is the best sports documentary i have ever seen and i can't believe i had never even heard of it before!!!!

Thank you so much it was a great experience watching that

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All i can say Is thank you SLIM WOW the boys on the bus is the best sports documentary i have ever seen and i can't believe i had never even heard of it before!!!!

Thank you so much it was a great experience watching that

Yeah, it was great, right?

Credit goes to cuore_azzurro though :thumbsup:

Can't wait to get The Boys are Back!

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State of hockey was a good one

I downloaded that via Torrent and burned it to DVD

It is about hockey in Minnesota and the Wild's 2002-03 season

Maybe not on the same level as the Boys on the Bus feature, but still a good watch nonetheless.

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  • 3 months later...

Just figured I'd revive this thread because I noticed there are a bunch of full vintage games that can be seen and/or downloaded directly from youtube -

If you check out any of the links, on the right side in 'related vids' you can find plenty of other full games from '87 and other years ('79, '84, '91), Olympic stuff, etc, etc

1985 Conference Finals game 4 Hawks vs Oilers

Gretzky's return to Edmonton

Game 5 1981 SCF

Lots of Islanders docs -

Hockey doc about Potvin and Bossy
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Wow, that is just awful

This isn't much better...

The mic kicking in and out makes it even that much better

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if you can find the one the Wild did this past year it gives good insight to the drafting process and stuff

"Becoming Wild" was the name of the series. was awesome.

edit, playlist on YT right here;


Awesome! Thank you.

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Neil Diamond LIVES!

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