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Which NHL team do you think is the hardest to get a hold of on eBay?


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A random question popped in my mind today.

Which NHL team do you think is the hardest to get a hold of on eBay? I'm a big Leaf fan and I don't really hunt for any other teams and especially not teams like Montreal and Ottawa. But for some reason I tend to think Habs jerseys are generally hard to find.

What do you all think?

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Personally I think it all depends on what you're trying to scope out, modern day reeboks are easy to come by for most teams, while vintage/throwbacks are usually harder to find.

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Yeah I don't think one team is harder than the other. But older ones can be in scarce supply. I troll eBay all the time for size 56 Devils Ultrafils and never find any. And forget the vintage colors, those never come up.

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My difficulty lies within the more popular teams, and the abundance of fakes that are produced for them. Chicago, LA, New York, among others. While I think it's generally easy to spot the fakes, it's just that much more garbage to sift through when searching for legitimate jerseys.

On the flip side, I always found it quite interesting how easy it is to get a original Coyotes authentic. For whatever reason, there's always a ton of them on eBay and they don't particularly sell that well.

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Guest Dr_Puck

Great question and I'll have to look more closely now that you asked. Then again, I never really thought of eBay as a place for NHL jerseys. Of course, I'm there constantly looking for FHL gear.

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For NHL jerseys I only buy uncustomized authentics (CCM, Starter, Nike, Koho, Pro Player, RBK 6100, and Reebok/RBK Edge 2.0's) on ebay and I've found that Carolina, Columbus, Minnisota and Tampa Bay seem to be the hardest ones to find. I don't count Indoedges among authentics and I really don't care for the Edge 1.0's either.

Edited by Krendelev
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