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Does anyone understand Bob Gainey?

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There isn't a classier guy in the NHL, and to think what he has gone through this year with the death of his daughter after losing his wife at such a young age.... so I could never have anything but the utmost respect for him....


I (like most habs fans), have no idea what his strategy is for this team (if he is indeed focussed enough to have a real strategy)? I can understand the need to unload Rivet's salary (certainly better than unloading Markov or Sourray at this point), but then you would expect there to be a decent aquisition made before the deadline to help the team! The only move was to claim no-name goalie Michael Leighton off waivers. What was the purpose of that? He isn't going to help the team at all. What about Biron, or Belfour, or Cujo? By unloading Rivet, and not getting any offensive or goaltending help in return, all Gainey did was make the team weaker at a time when all the other teams got stronger. What message is he sending to the players and fans?

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I was surprised and disappointed. To me, Gainey said "sorry Habs fans, not this year". Gorges is an okay pickup, but I really didn't get it - he didn't move Markov or Souray and they're both UFA's this summer, correct? I don't know... I was a little shocked and I'm too out of it now to analyze it in depth.

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They should have been the team going after Biron. Mason or Vryzgalov wouldn't have broken the bank either (unless the asking price was too high). Montreal has a decent future in net with Price but I don't think Habs fans want to wait till then.

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I'm confused too... I think Mach hit the nail on the head- "Sorry Habs fans, not this year." I may not be typical of Habs fans, but I have grown up expecting to have a competitive team. But ever since the Dark Ages that were Rejean Houle, we've been yearning for a shot. It's small consolation to lose to the Cup winner when you have so much history and pressure in a city that is very often defined by its hockey. I think Gainey realized that to try to do something this year would have hurt us long term so he played it safe and smart. Or maybe he tried to get something and failed...

The fact is we may actually make the play-offs and with Rivet not in the line-up we at least another body to help us get to the play-offs.

I dunno ....

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I'm confused too... I think Mach hit the nail on the head- "Sorry Habs fans, not this year." I may not be typical of Habs fans, but I have grown up expecting to have a competitive team. But ever since the Dark Ages that were Rejean Houle, we've been yearning for a shot. It's small consolation to lose to the Cup winner when you have so much history and pressure in a city that is very often defined by its hockey. I think Gainey realized that to try to do something this year would have hurt us long term so he played it safe and smart. Or maybe he tried to get something and failed...

The fact is we may actually make the play-offs and with Rivet not in the line-up we at least another body to help us get to the play-offs.

I dunno ....

The past 2 years of watching the Habs 3 things really stand out. 1) They can skate with a team like the Sabres and are very dangerous offensively. 2) Huet is a beast in net- that guy will make saves no one else can. 3) The D is only thinking about scoring goals and is pretty much like Swiss cheese.

It seems that at the trade deadline the Habs were content to stand pat because they recognize the first 2 points but for some reason aren't willing to address the third. The problem with upholding the status quo is that teams do not stay in stasis like NHL 97, players get worse/older and sometimes better. If Montreal expects that next year is the year without making some UFA moves in the offseason they are mistaken.

Also, its a sign of a poor GM for a team on the cusp of the playoffs in a wide open Eastern Conference to not solidify the team for a run at the Cup. The Habs will always sell out their games and perhaps that's why the management feels they are bullet proof whatever moves they make. In Buffalo, no matter how many stupid draft picks/signings Tom Donahue made, Bills fans kept coming to the stadium with sellouts. I truly think Tom thought- I can do anything, sign anyone, and they will still come. I am not saying Gainey is to that point, but the longer sellouts happen with an underachieving team, the pyschology of the front office might change. The Cubs are another good example of this.

Just my 2 rambling cents.

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