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Hey guys, quick question....what years did the Kings have tri-color lettering on their white jerseys??? thanks a lot

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1991-92 had tri-color letters on both white and black jerseys. In 1995-96, the "Burger King" alternate also had tri-color letters.

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Thanks a lot akteon and LAK, i totally forgot about that website. Hey CJ how you been bud? i actually moved down to texas and took a job with the state police down here so ive been going through another freakin police academy. its pretty brutal and they confiscate our phones and laptops so i havent been able to get online much. of course the worst part of this all is that the rangers are finally doing awesome and im missing it.

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Oh man, thats brutal. I hope the new job is going alright though. Sucks that you had to move down there... unless you really wanted to of course lol. Let me know if you make it back up here.

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i chose to move and i think itll be good, but the academy is just brutal, especially since im doing all this crap for a second time now. im gonna be working outside dallas though so i guess i gotta start working on my stars jersey collection. you get any new gems lately? i just got a sweet haul back from EPS but i gotta wait to see em till i get back to new york after graduation. including my first north stars authentic! i put neil broten on it.

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Oh man, dont switch teams just cause you moved lol. Represent the Rangers down in Texas! I've gotten some good stuff since I last spoke to you if you check my photobucket. Also, if youre really gonna switch and want to sell some of your Rangers stuff let me know. You have to have one of the best collections I know of.

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hahaha, i would never switch teams. i just mean ill probably be going to a lot more stars games than ranger games and i enjoy going to games and making sure nobody else has the same jersey on as me. People would flip when i wore my mcsorley or kurri to the garden.

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LAK....does this look decent to you?

25th season patch

It's definitely a repro and they messed up the KINGS in the middle. There shouldn't be motion lines on the letters if you compare it to this one from a gamer:


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Haha ok good. I hear ya on wearing unique jerseys to games. I want to start branching outmore just like you do. Either way, if you want to move something, let me know.

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speaking of which, i just stripped a rangers jersey with crappy lettering and if i can get this glue off i have a plan to make probably the most rare jersey you'll ever see in the garden, itll also be a true test of your ranger knowledge if you know why it is the way it is....gimme a few months and youll see what im talking about

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LAK....does this look decent to you?

25th season patch

Thats the closest thing your going to get to the real thing. Here is an authentic on that i have:


The purple is a bit lighter on the real one and the two has a cut on the inside on the replica one.

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i definitely will hit you up first if im ever looking to sell. i wouldnt let them go to anybody who wasn't gonna put em to good use. i am getting married next month so we shall see! haha

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fair enough, im gonna do a graves number 11 jersey. shhh, dont tell anyone, i dont want my idea stolen

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Congrats!!! And I've been meaning to do one of those too!!! I thought you already had one cause it's in your sig. I just need to get the right jersey for it X_X

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akteon...any ideas where i might find a better repro?

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Heh...I really doubt a Graves #11 Rangers jersey is any big secret! It's definitely a cool choice though. However, my question is this: Does it bother you at all that he never actually wore the number 11 on any other jersey outside of A: crappy pre-season replicas or B: the TBTC style? I have thought about also doing this exact version but I just can't get past those two points enough to actually do it...and not that I'm trying to discourage you from doing it at all; that's just my personal opinion.

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i had bought the jersey for it and was so excited i made the sig but it stripped terribly!

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akteon...any ideas where i might find a better repro?

They seem pretty tough to find loose. I've been looking for one for about 6 months now, and whenever they come up they are inconveniently already attached to jerseys. It sucks to have to buy a whole jersey just to strip off the patch!

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CJ, dont give up on that TBTC, i finally found one. they do pop up every now and then. Just be prepared to spend bank when you finally find it, you wont regret it!. Brilliant, im pretty sure he wore it in the regular season opener in boston that year which would have been a pro weight, no?

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