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Is this a match?


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I have spent all weekend trying to find a photo match for this jersey. The photo below is the only photo I have been able to find of Mayorov in the game I believe this jersey could have been worn. I know that at first look the positioning of the marks do not match, but due to the way the player is moving and how stretched the jersey looks I think that could account for the position. So what do you think?



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Honestly, I would say that looks more like a shadow than a mark. It looks like the sleeve overlapped in a small section and put a shadow on the body.

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Honestly, I would say that looks more like a shadow than a mark. It looks like the sleeve overlapped in a small section and put a shadow on the body.

I bet your right, wishful thinking I guess. Thanks

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^ I agree.

On another note, I believe this is a good topic like "Ebay 2.0", or "Is it good or not" so I think it should deserve a sticky? :thumbsup:

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I am so glad someone started this topic!

Here is some marks from my Eaton gamer...is this a match? Its difficult to find a match because this is a set 2 (issued from 12/29/10 to 2/5/11) and Eaton only played in 2 games with this jersey, yet there is a lot of wear on it. I checked the Set 1 dates and it doesn't appear as if he used the jersey during Set 1 either. I still need to photomatch my Schremp (which as very little wear)



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Now THAT is a slam-dunk match. Not only can you see both scuffs on the back but look at how the 4 is curled up against the bottom of the nameplate just like it is in your shot. That's dead-on to me.

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I would kill for a photo that nice of my jersey.

Haha. I found that using the Isles photos from games on their website and did a screen shot (if you couldnt tell lol). Definitely check each game that he played in to see if you can find a match.

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Trust me I have tried every trick there is to get a pic, but when it is likely a one game jersey and that game was a Jackets Coyotes game I'm screwed. lol

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Haha...is there any video?

I am trying now with my Schremp. The only wear is some board burns (but they are light...Schremp really never worked the corners), a couple of faint stick marks on the right sleeve, and a thread coming off the first, right four on the sleeve.

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Thanks, I am going to try to buy a print of the photo I have. It came from a news paper that sells copies of their photos. Of course there is still a chance the print will show me nothing.

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Thanks, I am going to try to buy a print of the photo I have. It came from a news paper that sells copies of their photos. Of course there is still a chance the print will show me nothing.

Definitely worth the risk!

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How exactly are you zooming in on Getty?

I can see the pixel of the thread. It's a small match, but I'd call it one.

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How exactly are you zooming in on Getty?

I can see the pixel of the thread. It's a small match, but I'd call it one.

I am using my browser to zoom.

Thanks! Good! Hopefully I can find a better match tomorrow. I am so tired of looking at faint marks that will not show up on Getty

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Figured. I know its a Set 1(beginning of season to 12/29), but that doesn't mean anything lol.

The only matchable thing is the sharpie mark from blocking out the 2009 on the set tag. Yes, the Isles used set tags from 2009-2010 on their 2010-2011 gamers! However, the 2009 was blacked out after the set was retired.

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Figured. I know its a Set 1(beginning of season to 12/29), but that doesn't mean anything lol.

The only matchable thing is the sharpie mark from blocking out the 2009 on the set tag. Yes, the Isles used set tags from 2009-2010 on their 2010-2011 gamers! However, the 2009 was blacked out after the set was retired.

Definitely don't get hung up on set numbers. I have a Vermette Set 1 that has a clear photomatch to games at the end of March.

I wish getty's previews were a little better. I don't have a contact with getty anymore to buy photos cheaply, so I have to hope to find photos on daylife or elibrary. If the previews on getty were better, I wouldn't have any problem ordering them from nhl photostore or something.

On topic, if anyone has other suggestions than daylife or elibrary for personal use photos, I'd love to hear them.

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I'm fairly certain Zimbio is Getty - just sans watermark. I have noticed that not all Getty images show up on Zimbio, even for recent events.

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I'm fairly certain Zimbio is Getty - just sans watermark. I have noticed that not all Getty images show up on Zimbio, even for recent events.

Yup, which is good for my use. I thought he was asking for place to get decent pictures w/o watermarks.

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So I've been trying to match my Set 3 Hodgson. Unfortunately, being a dark jersey, and with few high res photos it's been tough. There are loose threads, but none of them show up in photos. So I got a screen cap, and a decent res photo for matching purposes. Let me know what you guys think.

The thread in the 'O' sticks up through the nameplate, it's very odd. But good for matches. The excess glue on the bottom right also shows up well, being that it's white and contrasts with the blue. The screen grab is horribly blurry but I think it's visible enough. And as for the glue on the right, that one might be a bit more of a stretch. Let me know if you guys think I'm reaching for straws here.


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I can see where you are going with the thread or mark in the "O". Not quite sure about the glue part yet, but a step in the right direction nonetheless. :thumbsup:

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