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Would this be a jersey foul?


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He is American Film Institutes 19th greatest movie hero, the character is from Philly, the movie opened the same year of the Flyers first season, and Sidney is one of the greatest actors in cinema history. Yay or nay?


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Sure but if you want to do it then do it. I put my own name on the back of jerseys, it's your jersey and your money. Just be aware that if you ever want to sell the thing you probably won't get much for it!

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Technically if a player NEVER played in the NHL or for a particular team and you put his name on a jersey, then yes, it's a jersey foul. But since it would be your jersey, you can do whatever you like with it. Wear it with pride! But like Mtn King said, you won't get much if anything at all for it if you try and sell it one day.

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don't mean to hijack the thread but i didn't want to start a new one. i was wondering if it is a foul to put a vintage player's name on a modern jersey. can someone get beat up for something like that?

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.....where is the jersey foul police when you need them????.............

......just like the real cops I guess......letting people live the "green" life.........

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don't mean to hijack the thread but i didn't want to start a new one. i was wondering if it is a foul to put a vintage player's name on a modern jersey. can someone get beat up for something like that?

In my book it's a foul and I'm sure a lot of members here would agree. If the player NEVER wore a certain style, then why get a jersey with their name and number?!?! :huh: Ebay is notorious for junk like that. I see tons of gold Penguin jerseys customized with Mario Lemieux and Sidney Crosby. It drives me nuts!!! :lol: Both (even Mario) NEVER wore the Sunday gold Penguins jersey. (People may tell you Lemieux did, but Pittsburgh got rid of them the year he came in - 1984. Though Mario did wear them in the preseason, but that was it.) But don't do it, it's a foul. Fire Boudreau will hunt you down. :P

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that movie is friggin awesome though, what made you think about putting that characters name on the sweater?

It's just an idea. The character is from Philly and the movie came out the same year as the team. My name is also Virgil and Sidney Poitier made me like my name more. I didn't order it or anything, just want opinions. Maybe it'll be more unique if it was "VIRGIL TIBBS" on the back, or "MR. TIBBS"? I went to a baseball game and this guy had a SF Giants jersey with Callahan #17 on the back. He got it cus "Dirty Harry" Callahan was AFI's 17th greatest film hero. I also saw a Phiiles jersey with Balboa #1. At a basketball game a dude had "HENRICKSON" #3 on the back of Utah Jazz uniform. It's an HBO show about a polygamyst with 3 wives in Utah. And I saw a "SOPRANO" on the back of a Devils jersey.

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A Devils Soprano jersey, huh? I think that pretty much sums up two of the worst aspects of this friggin' state.

Agreed, although that was a cool long running show.

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OP I think it would be, but its your jersey.

don't mean to hijack the thread but i didn't want to start a new one. i was wondering if it is a foul to put a vintage player's name on a modern jersey. can someone get beat up for something like that?

Yes it is and yes it can. :fight::stickhndl:

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OP I think it would be, but its your jersey.

Yes it is and yes it can. :fight::stickhndl:

Not if you can handle the action. Somebody wants to drop the gloves with you, they're taking a risk.

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No vintage names on a current jersey. No names on a jersey the player didn't wear. Period. I think everybody on this board will agree to that.

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thanks guys. i was just wondering cuz i see a lot of variuos pens jerseys with either lemieux, crosby, or jagr on them even though i know they never wore those style jerseys.

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No vintage names on a current jersey. No names on a jersey the player didn't wear. Period. I think everybody on this board will agree to that.

Apparently not. But I will agree that such jerseys are for fan wearing, not collecting.

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In my book it's a foul and I'm sure a lot of members here would agree. If the player NEVER wore a certain style, then why get a jersey with their name and number?!?! :huh: Ebay is notorious for junk like that. I see tons of gold Penguin jerseys customized with Mario Lemieux and Sidney Crosby. It drives me nuts!!! :lol: Both (even Mario) NEVER wore the Sunday gold Penguins jersey. (People may tell you Lemieux did, but Pittsburgh got rid of them the year he came in - 1984. Though Mario did wear them in the preseason, but that was it.) But don't do it, it's a foul. Fire Boudreau will hunt you down. :P

I see this a lot now at MSG and online with fakes regarding people putting old players names on Heritage jerseys, like Leetch, Graves, Messier, Richter, Gretzky, Giacomin, Duguay, etc... Giacomin and others wore them during the unveiling weekend with their names/numbers on them but obviously never during their careers.

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I see this a lot now at MSG and online with fakes regarding people putting old players names on Heritage jerseys, like Leetch, Graves, Messier, Richter, Gretzky, Giacomin, Duguay, etc... Giacomin and others wore them during the unveiling weekend with their names/numbers on them but obviously never during their careers.

I would render over half the people that wear jerseys like that don't even know that particular player NEVER wore that style. They probably don't even care either. That's what I call an "uneducated" hockey fan. :lol: That tells me that they don't know when the player played, or even what uniforms their team has worn. But hey people are dumb.

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I would render over half the people that wear jerseys like that don't even know that particular player NEVER wore that style. They probably don't even care either. That's what I call an "uneducated" hockey fan. :lol: That tells me that they don't know when the player played, or even what uniforms their team has worn. But hey people are dumb.

All of the educated hockey fans sit up in the 400's. It's mostly idiots who sit lower in corporate seats that don't know jack. Also a TON of fakes at MSG. I spend most of the game looking at fakes instead of watching the action, and especially during intermissions, all I do is look for fakes and cool real jerseys.

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All of the educated hockey fans sit up in the 400's. It's mostly idiots who sit lower in corporate seats that don't know jack. Also a TON of fakes at MSG. I spend most of the game looking at fakes instead of watching the action, and especially during intermissions, all I do is look for fakes and cool real jerseys.

Lol, no s***! I do the same as well when I see the Wild at the Xcel. Too funny. I also wonder why these people would spend $40-$60 on a turd when they could get a decent 550 replica!

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This has obviously gone into a different direction. I won't get a Tibbs jersey. But please check out my blog http://virgil-p.blogspot.com

I post these things called Jersey Sunday showing my collection. It's also full of random pics and vids unrelated to anything. Check it out and I hope you like it.

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I agree you can do anything you want with you own jersey.

I disagree with "Most people don't know when the player played or what uniform he wore". I think what most people don't know or care about is the level of authenticity that most of you guys care about. They buy a uniform because A) It's what they can find at the local fan store or stadium, B. Because it's the current style they recognize and C). It's most likely pre-customized. If the place offers customization, then they still can only pick from the stock uniforms which are most likely either the most popular of the old style or the newest styles, then they customize it with their all time favorite player i.e. Gretzky or Lemieux or the like. Also, It's funny to hear that some guys hear would rather watch the uniforms in the crowd than the game itself. That's when you know you are past taking this uniform thing to new levels of crazyiness. :thumbsup:

I think it's all good some of us want everything exactly right, and some of us just want to support the team while we WATCH the game. I'm somewhere in the middle. I just got my first Authentic uniform after spending hours reading on here. It's a flames home edge, and I got it customized with Iginla after much internal debate. I have strong personal leanings towards Fleury, I actually met him, he played some minor league games for my hometown team. I went so far as to research that he actually played in 5 preseason games in the original Edge 1.0 jersey, but in the end, I couldn't pull the trigger and put his name on it. So I went with Iginla and it's perfect except for the N in his name. It has one wrong part where the forward slash and the last upstroke meet. And now it's bugging me. I never would have noticed if it wasn't for all you Jersey crazy people.... So thanks a friggin lot!!!!

So I don't make fun anymore, I just say to each their own, enjoy the jersey of your choice and love the game and your team.

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