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What's next? (For those whose teams out of the hunt)

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So to those of us whose teams are no longer in the hunt for the Cup, or were out of it long ago. What would you like (or want) to see happen with your team? What do you think will happen? Or if you just want to chime in on another team.

As for me,

Colorado - I think Forsberg is gone and should retire. I hope Sakic returns and tend to think that he will. Personally, I'd like to see them go after another goalie of Theo's asking price is too high. I thought he looked good towards the end of the season, then he met the Red Wings in the playoffs. Bring back Foote! They got a nice young core to continue to build around.

St. Louis - I may be in the minority, but I'd like to see them get younger and continue their rebuilding process. I'm not a big Tkachuk fan and if they go after a goalie, I hope its not Emery. Emery strikes me as being a headache in Ottawa. I don't want to see them grab high dollar free agents. I think, from what I've seen and read about them, that they have something good to work with.

Phoenix - Stay the course, I hope they don't sign Hossa as I heard a rumor this week about on the radio. I'm glad to see they are sticking with their youth movement that's done wonders for them this season. I think they'll be a playoff team next year.

San Jose - I think Wilson is gone. I'm glad to see JR is going to be back. I still have them as a favorite for the Cup for next year. I think Campbell will resign and watching their battles with Phoenix next year should be fun.

Edmonton - They are one team I like and like to see do well. They had a nice run at the second half, maybe they could be a possible 8# seed next year?

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Well here are my thoughts on what the teams I like should do.

Buffalo - First and foremost, as much as I like him, find someone to trade Maxim to. Hopefully get some good solid young defensemen in return in the trade, for the most part Buffalo's defense is old and slow. Of course get Pominville and Miller signed so that they don't have the speculation of them leaving at the end of next season hanging over them all year.

Atlanta - Sign Lehtonen to a new contract and Hedberg. Pavelec is probably gonna be pretty good, but hold onto him in the event that Lehtonen falters, if Lehtonen succeeds and can stay healthy then they got some solid trade bait. The team has a lot of free agents this offseason, but they are mostly players who can be let go. They gotta get some additional talent on that defense to help Enstrom and Exelby otherwise Kari is gonna face a ton of shots again and rebounds are gonna end up behind him again as defenders aren't there to clear the puck.

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From an Atlanta fan perspective, this is possibly some of the best news already.


Don Waddell asked to step down as GM.

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Did he end up finishing the season as their coach?

Yep, Waddell was the coach for the rest of the season after they fired Hartley after 6 games. He coached them to a 34-34-8 record after their 0-6-0 start.

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Yep, Waddell was the coach for the rest of the season after they fired Hartley after 6 games. He coached them to a 34-34-8 record after their 0-6-0 start.

After the year they had last year, I'm not surprised they went that route. I was expecting a lot more out of them, like a SE Division title. Washington was the last team I expected to win that. Its probably one of those moves that was just time.

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Lemaire is staying in Minnesota.

Hopefully the cap will rise and with the money they save on not keeping Demitra, the Wild can improve their team instead of giving all that money to Rolston and Bouchard and leaving us right where we are at only without Demitra. If other teams can afford multiple star players, why can't we?

Strange decision in Colorado in my book...

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Lemaire is staying in Minnesota.

Hopefully the cap will rise and with the money they save on not keeping Demitra, the Wild can improve their team instead of giving all that money to Rolston and Bouchard and leaving us right where we are at only without Demitra. If other teams can afford multiple star players, why can't we?

Strange decision in Colorado in my book...

The Wild seem like they are on the right track. I'm still surprised Colorado managed to beat them in the first round.

I like the decision by the Avs. I've never been a big Quenneville fan since his St. Louis days. I noticed on the Avs boards he seemed to have a reputation as a goalie coach killer. I am surprised more by the possible replacement... Patrick Roy.

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The Wild seem like they are on the right track. I'm still surprised Colorado managed to beat them in the first round.

I like the decision by the Avs. I've never been a big Quenneville fan since his St. Louis days. I noticed on the Avs boards he seemed to have a reputation as a goalie coach killer. I am surprised more by the possible replacement... Patrick Roy.

Patrick Roy as an NHL head coach? :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's a disaster waiting to happen. He's not mentally stable enough and wound a few revolutions too tight. Being a Wild fan, I endorse this move highly and can't wait for the drama to begin. :thumbsup:

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Patrick Roy as an NHL head coach? :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's a disaster waiting to happen. He's not mentally stable enough and wound a few revolutions too tight. Being a Wild fan, I endorse this move highly and can't wait for the drama to begin. :thumbsup:

:D That could be an entertaining one! As much as I like St. Patrick, I hope they go a different route.

I will say this for Joel Q., I was impressed with the way the team still managed to eke into the playoffs after the injuries they suffered this year which would've pretty much killed the hopes of most teams in that position. Something about him to me though just hasn't been right, kinda like he's not the right guy for the job there. The last few years since the lockout have been rough for this Avalanche fan, its just not the same not seeing them contend for the Conference! They'll be back soon enough, I've heard the name Pat Burns thrown into the mix and I think he could be an interesting choice.

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As a Sabs fan my vote is definitely to get rid of Maxim as well as the two K's (Kotalik and Kalinin) bring in a top four veteran Dman and a really good backup goalie. Maybe 2 really good dmen. I think this team on O has it together, they just need a veteran presence and solid play on the blue line.

For my two WC teams, Kings- all they need is a goalie. I watched a ton of their games this year and they O is explosive and their D is young but good. If they weren't so concerned about all the soft goals, they would play a lot differently. Flames, they need scoring depth. Either get rid of Kennan or get rid of all the players he hates because nothing good is coming of it. Seeing the wheels fall off in the playoffs were not pretty.

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As a Sabs fan my vote is definitely to get rid of Maxim as well as the two K's (Kotalik and Kalinin) bring in a top four veteran Dman and a really good backup goalie. Maybe 2 really good dmen. I think this team on O has it together, they just need a veteran presence and solid play on the blue line.

For my two WC teams, Kings- all they need is a goalie. I watched a ton of their games this year and they O is explosive and their D is young but good. If they weren't so concerned about all the soft goals, they would play a lot differently. Flames, they need scoring depth. Either get rid of Kennan or get rid of all the players he hates because nothing good is coming of it. Seeing the wheels fall off in the playoffs were not pretty.

I got to see the Kings last year when they came through Phoenix. Kopitar is a beast and as good as he was the night I saw him, I shudder to think what he's going to do as he continues to mature at an NHL level. How did Johnson fare on the blueline all season? With him being a fellow Indy native, I'm pulling for him to make it big. How was Nagy looking too?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Tony Granato rehired as Avalanche coach.


And he's now the right choice after being fired by the same team because why???

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