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What is Pro-Weight?


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not that I am looking at buy this jersey or sweater, but what do they mean when they say pro-weight jersey?

The tag at the back of the collar leads me to beleive that this is not a game issued jersey, though I can not zoom in enough to see if it is a 7187 A Edge 1.0.


seeking knowledge as always,



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Pro weight generally means that its the same style as what the players wear on the ice. This can become troublesome with Reebok jerseys strictly because when people bought 1.0s or the new Indo-edge, they think they are the jerseys that the players are wearing on the ice because of the term authentic.

Having said that, the Kane jersey in the link you provided is a replica, so its not pro weight at all. That's a very misleading title

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Another term used to confuse people to spend money on crap.... As mentioned above pro weight usually mean the the same as used on the ice, But the Kane is a premiere so its just a replica jersey which someone paid 400$ for. Basically do your homework and you won't end up paying 400$ for crap.

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Just goes to prove that you cannot take anything cfor what it is without doing the research. That jersey is off NHL.com, you would think they would monitor/police themselves a bit better, this is the second time that I have caught NHL.com having merchants being less than truthful for what they are selling.

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NHL auctions stinks and the company "Framesworth" selling that jersey is HORRIBLE.

Most of the stuff they sell is way over priced and it's on poorly customized replica jerseys. The only thing they are giving you any guarantee on is the autograph. Their descriptions are misleading and border on fraud.

Only deal with NHL Auctions if it's Meigray or a direct auction through the teams. Most of what's there is various levels of crap.

Edited by JerseyHound
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Just goes to prove that you cannot take anything cfor what it is without doing the research. That jersey is off NHL.com, you would think they would monitor/police themselves a bit better, this is the second time that I have caught NHL.com having merchants being less than truthful for what they are selling.

Welcome to the cruel world of sports memorabilia!

They are real slick in mentioning words like "Authentic" and "C.O.A" but its only referring to the Signature on the jersey.

If jersey was a black piece of paper signed it still would say the same type of keywords in the auction header.

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