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Pay pal help??

Hockey Bob

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Tried to buy a few jersey's from a member on here and when I copied his pay pal address and pasted it some how a dead beat on E-bay I was dealing with received it instead. (not the person I was working with on this board)

I sent it as a "gift" to save charges for the seller and by the time I noticed the error and called Pay pay they said all I can do is wait 30-45 days and I only have about a 85% chance to recover my $400.

Is there anything else I can do other then wait?

Has anyone else had a similar experience and what was the outcome?

Am I screwed? :angry: :angry: :angry:

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was it charged against your credit card? if so, call the company ASAP.

if the guy you sent it to doesnt want to send it back, i think you unfortunately might be SOOL

what i dont understand is how the payment was sent to someone else though? did you just mistakenly just copy the wrong email address? im not following that part

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My account is set up with my cash station card

I copied the address from this board as that is how we were communicating and pasted it directly in the box where you do such a thing.

I was in a rush as I was excited about the jersey's so I can't say I confirmed the address but why/how when I paste an address would it pull a different address from others I sent money to? And how does it pick the one loser I've dealt with.

I hate to lose the $ and the opportunity to pick up some nice jersey's as well as being put on lock down from any other purchases until the ol' lady gets over it.

Sucks to be me I guess, expensive lesson learned, next time i'll pay a little extra and not send money as a gift...

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If the first letters of the addresses are the same it may have auto corrected to that other address.

I always double and triple check any payment I ever send online no matter what.

Hope it works out for you...

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