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Rangers fined for altering jerseys???

Ray in NJ

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I read on the Rangers message boards this morning that the NHL might fine the Rangers for hemming the bottom of their jerseys. I was at Thursday night's game and didn't notice it. But, apparently the NHL did.

Here are some pictures from the past two games: (Looks like they might have done it in Pittsburgh too.)

Rangers photos from Pitt and NJ

I guess the fans aren't the only ones who hate the new jerseys.

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I noticed on Tuesday when they were in Pittsburgh and did again on Thursday as I was there as well. I thought they looked a lot better with the tails sheared off. Boy, the Rangers can't do right by the league at all nowadays huh? I'll check to see if they trimmed them tonight too.

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I want to get a Chicago jersey but I know it's going to have a tail on it, crap why can't they give you the option of sheared or flowing? haha

I saw Chicago play this year and clearly think that jerseys with horizontal waist stripes look especially bad with the "shirt tail" hanging out. I just visually isn't right (to me and the gang at Uniwatchblog.com). Jerseys with no waist stripes aren't as bad, and obviously dark jerseys on dark breezers cover up the look, but frankly, they just make me think of the world "diaper" way too much.

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Oh jeez, let's not get this into a whole NFL kinda thing where everyone gets fined just for altering their uniform or simply forgetting one little thing (i.e. forgetting to strap your chin strap, or having your pockets hanging out?). Remember that one guy who was fined for wearing a vitamin water hat? Apparently, the NFL has this whole laundry list of equipment (including hats and shoes) that you're allowed to wear. Anything not on it is liable to get you fined. I would hate to see the NHL institute draconian laws like that.

rbk sure is leaving their mark on the league, and it's not very pretty.

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They shoulda fined that Gretzky dude for tucking in one side of his jersey all the time so you couldn't read the brand logo on the back hem.

I hate it when players think they're bigger than the game...

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Just to play devils advocate here for a while, beyond the "it looks icky" argument, is there any reason people take offense to the long tail look? Is it functionally any different than a hemmed jersey? It just seems like a lot of trouble for the Rangers equipment crew to go through for something so petty. And from the sound of things, if it ends up costing them fines, is cosmetics really worth it?

I think the Rangers jerseys look better hemmed anyway. I'm not defending the look, I'm not a terrific fan of it either, though it's not too bad on my Bolts home jerseys, but does it really affect the players in any way? Less to grab if you're the other team? Weight? Drag? Anything?!

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